Our Scxout Group band in new white gloves played all the section plus their flags into the Hall for flag break and opening prayer The show was pinned together very successfully by a splendidly attired Eagle Cub Leader Our…
5th Pen Cubs at the 2009 AGM and Gang Show
Armstrong Cubs gave us the Yaputcha Indians Aldrin Cubs gave us the 12 Days of Waddecar and had difficulty finding Baloo who turned up again in the finale and Eagle Cubs had trouble with Teddy Bears having a picnic
5th Pen Beavers at the AGM/Gang Show 2009
Another year – another AGM – another Gang Show – well done all our Beavers – Apache doing Little Red Hen -Chinook joining Aldrin Cubs and doing the 12 days of Waddecar – helped by our Vips and Blackfoot…
5th Pen Young Leader earns Chief Scout Gold
One of our young Leaders was presented with her Chief Scout Gold Award certificate at the prestigious County Award Ceremony. Here we see Cat our young leader with Ranvir Singh from BBC North West and our District Commissioner and Deputy…
5th Pen Beaver Sleepover 2009
Our 3 colonies combined to go on a Beaver Sleepover at Waddecar. The Theme was "Robin Hood" and the Beavers made robin hood hats, did crafts, archery (of course), camp fire, bashed the pinatas and visited the excellent Waddecar Museum….
Zoo Man Visits Chinook Beavers
John Makinson the Mobile Zoo Man visited Chinnok Beavers with his array of animals, lizards, snakes,owls, spiders etc. Here are some of the BRAVE!!! Beavers
Chief Scout Gold Awards at 5th Pen
7 of our Scouts have passed their Chief Scout Gold Award and Ian Illingworth ADC Scouts came down to Church Parade to present the awards to them. Our last picture includes their Scout Leaders and Group Scout Leader as…
Winter Camp 2008
Claire (Akela Eagle Cubs) and Mark (ASL Pegasus Scouts receive their wood beads from our District Commissioner Susan Sullivan Lets make use of the snow while we have it even if we use Leaders cars to gather ammunition
5th Pen Scouts at Winter Camp 2008
Our Scouts joined the cubs at Great Tower for our annual Winter Camp.
5th Pen Cubs at Winter Camp 2008
Our 3 Cub Packs joined Scouts at Winter Camp at Great Tower in November 2008. Here are some of the activities they did. Sunday morning saw snow and so an impromptu snoball fightbroke out – see Leaders news page.